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Emergency advice 24 hour lawyer hotline for clients

The provision of health and social care is a 24 hour business. Clinicians and organisations have a legal and ethical responsibility to service users and patients under their care, whether they are in the operating theatre or confused and refusing treatment. We are committed to being available whenever our clients need us.

We provide our clients with a 24 hour helpline for access to specialist advice whenever problems arise out of hours, 365 days a year.

What we do

  • Out of hours advice - covering complex consent issues, patients refusing medical treatment or surgery, child protection issues to confidentiality (for example police requests for medical records), mental health queries or an urgent response to a serious health and safety, regulatory or potentially criminal incident.
  • Expert lawyers, whenever you need them -  our on-call team includes experts in mental capacity, mental health and making urgent medical treatment applications to Court, as well as specialists in health and safety at work and lawyers with a background in criminal / regulatory work.

Featured experience

Application for a court order

Making an emergency out of hours application for a Court Order permitting a trust, over a weekend, to force dialysis on a patient with a learning disability in end stage renal failure against his wishes, pending further proceedings to determine whether this would be in his best interests in the longer term.

A patient attending hospital, suspected to have a large amount of class A drugs

Providing out of hours advice on a patient attending hospital, suspected to have a large amount of class A drugs in a condom in his stomach, covering issues of confidentiality, consent to treatment and appropriate involvement of the Police.

End of life treatment

Providing urgent out of hours advice on end of life treatment, in a scenario complicated by potential criminal proceedings for assisting the patient’s apparent suicide attempt.

A criminal incident

Responding to a criminal incident in which a patient detained under the Mental Health Act absconded and assaulted a member of the public, including dealing with the Police and media issues, as well as potential liabilities.


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