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School leaders’ insight

School leaders survey: Let us know what you think and hear from other school leaders

We’re inviting you and other leaders of the nation's schools and academies to share your views in our School Leaders Survey.

We capture and share your views on the policy landscape, strategic priorities for schools and trusts explore emerging challenges facing the sector. These topical sections have included environmental and social governance, Ofsted reform and the latest edition looks to explore what impact trends in parental complaints is having on schools.

We’re really keen to hear about your experience and to understand how things are changing in 2024 as we approach a general election.

School leaders survey Spring 2024 – key findings available now

Research for this survey was carried out during March 2024 with respondents representing an estimated* 1,800 schools, collectively responsible for nearly 1 million pupils from across all regions of England.

The results include a cry for clear guidance and support to handle parental complaints, given the detrimental impact this is having on school staff, along with expressing significant ongoing dissatisfaction with the lack of support and funding for SEND.

With a general election on the horizon there are clear indications of the policy areas school leaders are keen to see prioritised, so there’s lots to delve into here, but we won’t share any more spoilers!

Download the report

* For leaders of multi-academy trusts (MATs), we’ve used the average number of schools and pupils per MAT to reach this figure, based only on MAT leader responses to this edition of the survey. Where multiple leaders from the same school/trust have responded we have only counted once, to avoid duplication.  

Results and sharing insight

We hope you find the findings of interest and that by building and sharing this insight we can help inform your thinking and identify priority areas for closer collaboration.