Bringing together the latest updates and events to help you keep your finger on the pulse of current health and care issues in the independent sector.
Welcome to Health and Care Connect’s third edition of Health Check, a sector-specific roundup giving you a snapshot of our latest updates, key dates for your diary and noteworthy development affecting the independent health and care sector.
This edition covers topical issues such as whether the legal framework is suited to address the ongoing mental health crisis, the impact of the Procurement Act’s requirement to measure contract performance and upcoming changes to employment rights of workers.
Legal updates from our experts
Planning the future of healthcare
Carly Caton and Gerard Hanratty discuss the future of healthcare, the role of the integrated system and success factors for an effective integrated care system.
Legal frameworks for mental health
Carly Caton considers the legal framework around mental health laws and regulation and what can be done to address the global mental health crisis.
New employment rights set to come into force
James Tait and Claire Rosney explain the new employment rights set to come into force.
Shared Insights round up - Winter 2023
Read our quarterly update of Shared Insights.
Procurement reform: Making poor performance a thing of the past
In our latest update on procurement change, we explore the impact that the Procurement Act will have on contract performance and ensuring compliance with the new requirement to measure and report on supplier’s performance.
Landmark Supreme Court decision clarifies the extent of Doctors’ Duty of Care
Landmark ruling from the Supreme Court as to the extent a doctor’s Duty of Care to members of a patient’s close family to protect them against risk of illness from the experience of witnessing the medical crisis of their relative arising from the doctor’s negligence.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG): Are we ready for it?
Get ready for Biodiversity Net Gain.
2024: Horizon scanning in construction
Tim Claremont anticipates what we expect to see in the construction industry in 2024.
Can a care provider be compelled to deliver care that it considers unsafe or is unwilling to provide?
Victoria Colclough and Ed Pollard discuss the recent Court of Appeal decision as to whether a care provider can be compelled to deliver care that it considers unsafe and is unwilling to provide.
Recent events
Annual Drinks Reception
Thank you to all those Health and Care Connect members who attended our inaugural Annual Drinks Reception at the Browne Jacobson London office. We are busy planning many more opportunities for you to Connect throughout 2024!
AI Future of Care roundtable
Thank you for those who participated to provide their insightful views at our AI Future of Care roundtable in January.
Dates for your diary
- 13 February – 20 March 2024, online, Mock Inquest training sessions
- Summer 2024, London, Summer drinks
- Autumn 2024 - Spring 2025, Roundtable series
External events
- 27 March 2024, London, Healthcare Design Awards
- 28 March 2024, London Investing in Healthcare, LaingBuisson
- 15 May 2024, London, Private Health Care Summit, LaingBuisson
- 5 June 2024, London, Health Investor Awards
- Institute of Health & Social Care Management events
Sector news updates
CQC new assessment approach
The CQC have published a further update on the progress being made with the implementation of the new assessment approach.
Webinar: The Future of the Care sector
Prof Martin Green, CEO of Care England took part in a lunch webinar to discuss the future of care.
Government announces a further £600 million boost for councils
The Government has announced £500 million will be earmarked for local authorities to provide crucial social care services.
Development of the Mental Health Standards of Care (Wales) Bill
Track the progress of the proposed Mental Health Standards of Care (Wales) bill in the Senedd.
Updates about our specialist health and care team
Browne Jacobson announced as new partner to Cambridge Health Network.
Browne Jacobson shortlisted for Health Investor Awards
We're delighted to have been shortlisted in all three legal advisor categories in the Health Investor Awards - in the Legal Advisor Private, Public and Transactional categories.
Health and Care Connect
Health and Care Connect is our forum for operators, suppliers, investors and advisers in the independent health and care sector. Have you signed up yet?
Key contacts

Helen Taylor
Senior Associate
+44 (0)330 045 2761

Clare Auty
+44 (0)121 237 3943