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Coronavirus – FAQs for schools and academies

At present schools and academies are being asked to continue operating as close to normal as possible. Despite this, like all organisations, schools and academies are now turning their minds to the fact that if the disease continues to spread there will be a disruption to ‘normal’ curriculum delivery and working arrangements for some time.

02 April 2020

Please note: the information contained in this legal update is updated regularly and is correct as at 19 May 2020

Schools and academies have always been a vital part of their communities and active civil participants. Even in ‘normal’ times the work schools and academies do has a wider impact on life outside the school gates.

Like all organisations, schools and academies are now turning their minds to the fact that if the disease continues to spread there will be a disruption to ‘normal’ curriculum delivery and working arrangements for some time.

In this rapidly evolving situation, it is also prudent to continue to review daily updates from the Government, the Department for Education and Public Health England.

In response to the many questions we have received, we’ve set out some answers to some of the most commonly asked questions from our education clients below. Covering legal matters from business planning to exclusions, exams and sixth-from admissions our responses relate to your legal obligations and responsibilities. Specific COVID-19 related education law queries can be found here.

Like you, our experts across the business are continuing to monitor the situation and are providing real-time advice and sharing best practice on a whole host of business areas including force majeure to employment matters.

Should you wish to discuss a particular matter or situation with our team of experts please do not hesitate to get in touch.



Mark Blois


+44 (0)115 976 6087

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