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MAT Designated Safeguarding Lead CPD training course

Our MAT Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) continuous professional development programmes provide Lead DSLs Multi-Academy Trust (MATs) with the opportunity to engage in high-quality, interactive training over the course of four months to support their ongoing development.

Led by safeguarding expert lawyer, Dai Durbridge, the course is tailored to the needs of MAT DSLs already in post and provides opportunity for engagement with other delegates, with plenty of time built into the course to allow for reflection, your questions to be answered and concerns to be discussed.

Multi-Academy Trust DSLs – five months

Delivered remotely via Zoom, delegates will experience ‘bite-sized’ two-hour learning sessions interspersed with one-hour reflection and Q&A sessions to embed learning and ensure all of your questions are answered and concerns discussed. This interactive and engaging course is designed specifically for DSLs in Multi-Academy Trusts and will cover:

  • Excellence in MAT safeguarding governance
  • Developing your safeguarding culture
  • Designing your knowledge transfer calendar
  • Best practice in staff training and updating
  • Developing your safeguarding strategy
  • Upskilling your safeguarding Trustee
  • Harmful Sexual Behaviour
  • Embedding your Low-Level Concerns culture
  • Effectively managing allegations against staff
  • Safeguarding quality assurance across your Trust
  • Harvesting, analysing and using safeguarding data
  • Future proofing your safeguarding team
  • DSL support and development

The course provides a total of 21 hours of contact time spread over eight two-hour learning sessions and five one-hour Q&A sessions to ensure a personalised learning experience.

As a result of proactively engaging in this training programme, delegates will be able to further improve their MAT-wide safeguarding practice, learn from other delegates and gain an improved understanding of complex safeguarding issues impacting every setting in their trust.

Example course programme

Who should attend our Designated Safeguarding Lead training?

This course is designed for Lead DSLs in MATs of all sizes but will best suit MATs of five or more academies. Larger MATs may wish to consider registering two or more DSLs to help embed learning across the trust. Discounts are available for multiple registrations.


The 21-hour ‘Multi-Academy Trust’ course costs £825 plus VAT per delegate.

Spaces are limited to approximately 30 delegates per cohort.

For more information please contact Dai Durbridge or complete the form below.

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