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Provider collaboration and alliances in an integrated care system (ICS)

03 February 2021

This webinar took place on the 02 February 2021 and it is now available on-demand.

This video looks at the current structures used by provider alliances to support collaboration for system working. Whilst these have been built on during the Covid pandemic, this session will also look at how proposed legislative change could offer different mechanisms for provider alliances and collaboration.

During the session, we will look at examples of how different alliances are developing around the country and explain the mechanisms we have been advising on. Whilst there is no one size fits all approach, there are principles that apply across all different structure types and we will focus on them to enable your alliances and collaboratives to develop.

Chaired by Sir Neil McKay, who will be joined by Gerard Hanratty and Christian Dingwall.

on-demand video


Christian Dingwall

Christian Dingwall


Christian Dingwall specialises in corporate commercial law, public law, governance, regulation and compliance for the NHS, its commercial partners and the wider health sector. He has a particular focus on advising clients about NHS corporate and service transformation. Christian is recognised nationally as a top legal expert for NHS transactions and projects, advising on mergers, acquisitions, partnerships and integrated care joint ventures across the UK. His recent work includes acting as lead adviser on more than 15 NHS mergers in the last 10 years including the establishments of Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (merger of South and North Essex trusts), Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (merger of the former Central Manchester and South Manchester trusts), East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (merger of the former Ipswich and Colchester trusts), Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (merger of the former Aintree and Royal Liverpool trusts); and University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust (merger of the former Poole and Royal Bournemouth trusts).

+44 (0)330 045 2751

Gerard Hanratty

Gerard Hanratty


+44 (0)330 045 2159



Gerard Hanratty


+44 (0)330 045 2159

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