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Profiting from the booming autotech M&A market – what you need to know to sell your company successfully

Join Browne Jacobson’s legal experts Selina Hinchliffe and Sam Sharp, along with Hampleton Partners technology M&A expert, Jonathan Simnett, in this exclusive webinar to learn from their experience with Autotech M&A transactions.

18 March 2020

One of the most active sectors currently in the market is Autotech. Prolific strategic buyers are acquiring more and more companies and the market is consolidating in an effort to innovate and stay relevant. Financial investors are becoming increasingly active, acquiring larger organisations that are then being used as the foundation of roll up strategies. This increased activity is pushing valuations upwards.

Join Browne Jacobson’s legal experts Selina Hinchliffe and Sam Sharp, along with Hampleton Partners technology M&A expert, Jonathan Simnett, in this exclusive webinar to learn from their experience with Autotech M&A transactions.

Hampleton Partners and Browne Jacobson will be presenting the latest autotech M&A research, including international tech deals, valuations, current top trends, case studies and legal and intellectual property considerations of a deal.

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Sam Sharp

Sam Sharp


Sam is the head of our food and drink group and has advised a range of clients in the sector, including multinational food and drink manufacturers and distributors, national retailers, restaurant chains and suppliers on a wide range of corporate matters.

+44 (0)115 908 4812



Mark Hickson

Head of Business Development

+44 (0)370 270 6000

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