Introducing our quick poll
As we move through the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been discussing in-house the impact it has had on us, what it means for the health and care sector and where we see NHS efforts being focused over the coming months and we are really interested in hearing your views too.
Covid-19 impact
The pandemic has, without a doubt, affected every aspect of our daily lives over the last three months both personally and professionally.
As we move through the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been discussing in-house the impact it has had on us, what it means for the health and care sector and where we see NHS efforts being focused over the coming months and we are really interested in hearing your views too.
If you have 20 seconds to spare, read on to see how to share your opinion in our quick poll. We will publish the anonymised results in the next edition and use the information to help shape future editions of our newsletter ensuring we provide support and advice on the issues which matter to you.
Reflecting on the Covid-19 experience – quick click poll no.1
In a recent employment webinar our team posed the following question as an ice breaker “What is one reflection from the Covid-19 experience that you would like to share?” Ice breakers can be notoriously tricky to get right but this one turned out to be a conversation a success and people willingly shared both their personal and/or professional reflections. So we thought we would put the question out to our wider audience.
However, we also thought it only fair to share our reflections with you as well…
Our views: volunteered by fee earners across the sector the messages we received included:
“I have been very impressed by the whole health and social care sector’s ability to adapt quickly, integrating new ways of working into practice to enable the right care to be delivered, particularly through the use of technology. Having sat on various ethics debates, the commitment to driving the right responses to challenging situation has reaffirmed why I committed myself to work in this area. I am optimistic that this momentum will be taken forward with new possibilities in the way care is delivered.”
“I have been amazed by the speed and efficiency with which the health and care community has been able to come together and collaborate in a time of crisis. I only hope the “can-do” attitude will not be quashed by bureaucracy and that the development of Integrated Care Systems will benefit from the new spirit of collaboration.”
“That virtual mechanisms enable a lot but that there are some interactions that would benefit from traditional ‘in-person’ ways of working.”
“What has struck me most has the been the speed at which technology has changed the ways in which healthcare services are now being delivered and new technologies developed. I will be really interested to see the extent to which these new ways of working, including the use of digital technologies, continue as the restrictions continue to be eased and how NHS organisations continue to embrace new technologies.”
There were clear themes running through the responses we received with multiple references to how technology has been embraced and the sector has come together. It seems, at least to us here, that the response to the pandemic has highlighted a number of changes/advancements in ways of working and rapid advancement of digital technologies that will be key to delivering the Long Term Plan and providing the building blocks for moving forward with it at the right moment.
Both of those themes will feature in our upcoming newsletters which focus on integrated care systems and health tech. We would really love to hear from you so please do share your views with us and help shape our content.
Question: what is one reflection from the Covid-19 experience that you would like to share?
Contact the team with your response
NHS next steps – quick click poll no. 2
Leaving aside delivery of clinical services, which of the following areas do you think the NHS should prioritise as we move past the peak of Covid-19:
- Creating ICSs – building on the cross organisational work which has supported the Pandemic response and developing sustainable joined up systems
- Reviewing and revising emergency preparedness plans for responding to pandemics
- The NHS reset
- Preparing for a second coronavirus wave
- Advancing digital health care services
- Developing AI
- A single electronic record for patients
- Other, please indicate

Mark Hickson
Head of Business Development
+44 (0)370 270 6000