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How to navigate Brexit - think like a startup

With Brexit continuing to hit the headlines, we speak with Jon Snade and Nicole Sykes, Head of EU negotiations at the CBI, for an insight into the short and long term consequences of a no-deal Brexit on the UK’s technology sector, business and economy.

05 March 2019

“The vast majority of my clients in the tech sector space here in London are committed to remaining in the UK post-Brexit”Jon Snade, corporate lawyer at Browne Jacobson LLP.

With Brexit continuing to hit the headlines, we speak with Jon Snade and Nicole Sykes, Head of EU negotiations at the CBI, for an insight into the short and long term consequences of a no-deal Brexit on the UK’s technology sector, business and economy. 

Watch this three minute video to hear what early stage and high growth tech businesses based in London are saying about Brexit uncertainty.



Jon Snade


+44 (0)330 045 2234

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