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Managing procurement risks and challenges

Have you ever received a letter challenging a regulated procurement procedure? Has your authority ever had proceedings issued against it for breach of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015? 

For many authorities the answers to these questions will be ‘yes’ as we see more and more challenges being threatened or made against public bodies following (and even during) procurement processes.

To support our clients in understanding the pressure points in procurement processes and how they can give rise to risk, we have designed an all day workshop to build confidence in managing these processes. The workshop, which has been universally well received by our delegates, will also look at:

  • how to respond to threatened or actual challenges
  • consider tactics
  • how to deal with the immediate steps required by a challenge without prejudicing the authority’s position and, where necessary, work with external advisors.

Led by our specialist procurement team, this full day course is based around an interactive case study giving delegates the chance to analyse the issues from different perspectives and talk tactics. The workshop is led by our specialist procurement team.


Our specially designed case study follows the lifecycle of a procurement process and builds throughout the day challenging delegates to really consider and manage risk and mitigation tactics. 

The workshop covers:

  • Brief overview of law on challenge and introduction to the interactive case study
  • Pre-market engagement
  • Advert and selection stage
  • ITT and tender period
  • Contract award, notification of result and standstill
  • Litigation tactics and FOIA
  • Contract modifications
  • Q&A and wrap up

Bringing your learning to life

To further embed learning within your organisation there is an option to bespoke aspects of the course to explore issues previously experienced by your organisation and consider how they could be dealt with differently in the future.

To discuss your bespoke training requirements with us please contact us.
