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Brexit overview: your corporate structure and Brexit

We can help you navigate uncertainty, mitigate any legal risks and even find ways for your organisation to capitalise through a more efficient corporate structure.

30 September 2020

A limited part of UK company law derives from European law, and the position is unlikely to change dramatically immediately following the end of the transition period. The Government plans to make only minimal amendments to enable legislation in this area to continue to function. However, you may still benefit from reviewing your structures to determine whether they are still fit for purpose and continue to fulfil the right conditions. We can help you navigate uncertainty, mitigate any legal risks and even find ways for your organisation to capitalise through a more efficient corporate structure.

Key issues

  • Societas Europaea (public limited company subject to EU-wide laws)
  • Cross border merger regime
  • Recognition of UK companies across the EU
  • European subsidiaries
  • European branches
  • Equity capital markets
  • Joint ventures.

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Richard Cox


+44 (0)115 976 6135

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