This continuous professional development (CPD) programme is designed for Directors of Safeguarding (and equivalent) in academy trusts.
Focusing on safeguarding governance, trust-wide safeguarding collaboration and driving consistency of practice, this course provides an opportunity for delegates to consider improvements to their current approach and learn from other delegates.
Delegates will gain an improved understanding of best practice trust safeguarding, including:
- Clarity of operational structures.
- Getting best outcomes from your local governing board.
- Developing your team and avoiding single points on failure.
- Future-proofing your team.
- Empowering your Safeguarding Trustee.
- Supervision and wellbeing.
- Best practice quality assurance.
...and more!
- Bite-sized learning: 22 hours of contact time over five months
- Length: 20 hours over four months.
- Structure: nine x two-hour sessions, two x one-hour hour Q&As (in the middle and at the end of the course).
- Space for discussion: with other Trust Safeguarding Directors.
- Format: Interactive, via Zoom.
Price: £825 per person.
Register nowExample course programme
- Course introduction and aims.
- Policy, dissemination and single source of truth.
- Staff training and updating.
- Designing your knowledge transfer calendar.
Getting your operational structures right:
- Developing the centre and avoiding single points of failure.
- Your place (and voice) at the table.
- Designing the pyramid – creating regional/hub leads.
- Identifying and highlighting topic experts.
- Mastering communication and joint working.
A functioning governance structure:
- If you can’t draw it, it probably doesn’t work…
- Objectives and delivery: getting your governance layers right.
- Consistency and clarity: Terms of Reference, Schemes of Delegation, and other key documents.
- Reporting to and attending board/committee.
- Ensuring best value and playing to their strengths.
- Avoiding ‘busy work’.
- Understanding the local context.
- Supporting the local DSL.
- Training, updating and developing your Trustee.
- How they should support and challenge you.
- Questions to ask, answers to expect and issues to address.
- Networks, coaching and developing a Safeguarding Trustee handbook.
- Embedding sessions 1-5.
- Your varied safeguarding questions answered.
- Group discussion on any issue.
- Understanding the ‘why?’ and getting the balance right.
- Ensuring a consistent Trust-wide approach.
- ‘Peer validation’: the importance of language.
- Psychological safety and celebrating weakness/failure.
- Utilising self-evaluation.
- Next steps: action plan and the delivery team.
- Development and delivery of your strategy: sharing practice and learning from each other.
- The hub and spokes: strategy and delivery/action plans.
- Driving safeguarding across the sector – leading the way, driving cross-agency collaboration,and sharing data and intelligence.
- Supervision vs line management.
- Internal vs external supervision.
- Objectives, frequency and approach.
- Don’t forget you.
- Succession planning in safeguarding.
- Talent development: The next safeguarding leaders.
- Nurturing your topic experts.
- Opportunities to lead.
Review of sessions 11-12.
Free form Q&A.
Next steps for you.
Would you like to find out more?
We’re happy to chat through your requirements.
Registration form
All safeguarding training courses
Key contact

Dai Durbridge
Dai Durbridge specialises in advising schools, academies and other education providers on all pastoral matters, including admissions, exclusions, managing allegations against staff and all safeguarding matters, with a specific interest in vetting and barring. He is a recognised expert and delivers a variety of training and workshops on all pastoral matters.
+44 (0)330 045 2105