William Carter
+44 (0)330 045 2786
William is an associate in our employment team, based in Birmingham. He advises on all aspects of employment law, with particular industry expertise in the food and drink and healthcare sectors.
Previously, William worked for a leading regional firm in Gloucestershire, before joining Browne Jacobson in February 2022. In addition to providing advice to clients, William also provides legal commentary on developments in the employment field, with particular expertise in relation to sex and gender.
Featured experience
Provided a high-level review of a company’s employment structure, identifying key issues and concerns in advance of the acquisition of the company, also providing support following completion to assist in fixing these concerns.
Provided advice and drafted documents for TUPE transfers from educational trusts.
Food and Drink
Providing regular assistance via a helpline to a multinational bakery dealing with a wide array of issues, such as complex disciplinaries, dealing with long-term sickness absence and queries regarding recruitment.
Successfully defended a healthcare client at the employment tribunal in a claim which could have had serious repercussions for the client relating to bank workers.
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Legal Update
Gender Identity v Gender Beliefs
We have seen a flurry of recent EAT and ET decisions demonstrating the difficulty that employers face in trying to balance different protected characteristics in the workplace. In this article, Lucinda Chaplin and Will Carter, associates in our employment team, explore the principles from these recent cases, and the workplace implications of them.