Social care - October 2019
Welcome to our social care newsletter for October 2019.
Welcome to our social care newsletter.
Sexual assault in the workplace: opportunity alone is not sufficient connection for vicarious liability
Browne Jacobson LLP were recently instructed by the defendant in a sexual assault claim in which the High Court had to carefully consider the sufficient connection test for vicarious liability to apply.
More concerns on the horizon for social care services and private providers
In a survey conducted by Unison this summer more than half of our social workers say they are considering leaving the profession for a less stressful position.
Of 1,000 social workers surveyed 55% said they were thinking of quitting their roles.
Foster carers are not ‘workers’ according to the Employment Tribunal
For anyone who has followed the evolving case law in the social care sector, this title is likely to raise some questions. Most notably, “What about the decision in Armes?”
In a judgment handed down by the Employment Tribunal on 23 July 2019 an appeal by the National Union of Professional Foster Carers (NUPFC) was dismissed.
Child abuse inquiry – latest recommendations in the accountability and reparations investigation
The Accountability and Reparations investigations of the IICSA has already carried out a large amount of work.
Last month a report with its preliminary recommendations was published.
Care Quality Commission and health & care regulatory update
Carl May-Smith will provide an update on CQC & Competitions & Markets Authority enforcement, a recent Tribunal decision on the registration of learning disability & autism services and the latest in CQC’s review of restraint, seclusion and segregation.

Sarah Erwin-Jones
+44 (0)115 976 6136