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Compulsory drone registration goes live on 1 October 2019

As part of the continued tightening of the restrictions on drone use within UK airspace, the latest amendments to the Air Navigation Order 2016 come into force on 30 November 2019.

26 September 2019

As part of the continued tightening of the restrictions on drone use within UK airspace, the latest amendments to the Air Navigation Order 2016 come into force on 30 November 2019. The changes will affect a large number of drone users across all sectors. Will they apply to you?

The new provisions will require all operators of drones (commercial and ‘hobbyist’) of a mass between 250g and 20kg to register with the CAA. Registration provides an operator ID which must then be displayed on all drones. Pilots will also need to register for a specific flyer ID and sit an online multiple choice competency test.

Despite already being more strictly governed, the new registration requirements will apply to commercial operators, something which has been met with criticism.

The online registration system goes live on 1 October 2019. If planning to incorporate drones into your future business operations early registration is advised. For those already operating drones, registration will be mandatory from 30 November 2019. We haven’t seen much publicity on this, so don’t get caught out!



Alex Lucas


+44 (0)330 045 2923

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