Browne Jacobson advises Ealing Council on regeneration scheme to deliver 500 new homes
Ealing Council have signed an agreement with Peabody to deliver 500 new homes at ‘The Green’ in Southall, West London. Browne Jacobson advised the Council on the project.
Ealing Council have signed an agreement with Peabody to deliver 500 new homes at ‘The Green’ in Southall, West London. Browne Jacobson advised the Council on the project.
Building work is expected to start in 2021 with the new homes, up to half of which will be affordable, delivered across the next five years. The scheme will link to Southall station (on the new Crossrail line) and also include 50,000m2 of commercial space.
This project forms a part of the Council’s commitment to deliver 2,500 genuinely affordable homes by 2022.
Lucy Taylor, Director of Regeneration and Planning at Ealing Council said:
“Ealing is committed to delivering 2,500 new genuinely affordable homes by 2022, and working with advisors like Browne Jacobson will be key to achieving this. At Southall Green we will deliver at least 145 genuinely affordable homes together, as part of our overall plan to ensure people in Southall can access decent homes and jobs.”
Nick Hurley, Senior Associate at Browne Jacobson, commented:
“We are delighted to have supported the Council in bringing forward this strategically important scheme.
We have considerable expertise in advising on complex regeneration projects in and around London. Delivering high quality affordable housing is a key policy challenge and ‘The Green’ is a great example of a London borough working with a housing association with a strong social conscience to deliver long-term and sustainable regeneration.”

Kara Shadbolt
Senior PR & Communication Manager
+44 (0)330 045 1111