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Public matters - March 2024

15 March 2024
Craig Elder

Government's asset sale plan: Short-term fix or long-term disaster?

Recently, there has been much discussion around plans being considered by Government to encourage councils in England to address budget shortfalls by selling publicly-owned buildings and other assets worth up to £23bn. This proposal has been labelled a ‘fire sale’ and ‘sticking plaster solution’ – does this mean the plan is completely without merit?

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Climate change - what action should we take?

During the recent COP 28 the UK Prime Minister called for an “era of action” to tackle climate change globally. The United Nations has called the 2020s the ‘decade of action’ with many key objectives (such as cutting carbon emissions in half) by 2030. However despite this it is often difficult to know what individuals and businesses can do to play their part.

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Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil Council: A game changing decision for local authorities

Are you a local authority struggling with costly and time-consuming low value disputes? The Court of Appeal appeared to have heard your cries in November last year, after they handed down a judgment which will enable courts to order parties to engage in dispute resolution processes outside of the courtroom before resorting to legal action.

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At the forefront of society’s biggest issues - a reflection of our public sector work throughout 2023

Read about some of the work Browne Jacobson have carried out in supporting our central and local government and arm’s length bodies throughout 2023.

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The Home Affairs Committee launched another inquiry into fraud - Stop! Think Fraud

Fraud is the most common crime in England and Wales. It amounts to 40% of all crime, but only received 2% of police resources last year. Despite this, according to the NCA nearly 86% of fraud instances are unreported. Fraud has truly reached epidemic proportions in the UK.

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Braceurself Ltd v NHS England 2024: Court of Appeal procurement case decision

An overview of a procurement for the provision of orthodontic services ran by the NHS England in relation to Lot PR002368.

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Craig Elder


+44 (0)115 976 6089

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