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Public matters - January 2019

This month includes local government re-organisation, the Future High Streets Fund, restrictive covenants, litigation privilege, and Ofsted v Durand.

15 January 2019

Welcome to our Public Matters Newsletter.

This month we have:

Practical tips for local government re-organisation

Karl Edwards looks at some of the practical considerations when looking at moving to a unitary model.

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Future high streets

The Future High Streets Fund is an integral part of the government's strategy to try and help regenerate town centres. Thomas Howard looks at who can apply, how will it work, and what the key ingredients are for a successful bid.

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Court makes example of developer for breach of restrictive covenant

The Court of Appeal decision in Millgate and Others sends a strong message to developers of the importance of respecting restrictive covenants. Lucy Coe takes us through the background behind the case, and what it means for advisors and developers.

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The scope of litigation privilege and ‘purely commercial discussions’

Nicola Hollick reviews the Court of Appeal decision of West Ham United v E20 Stadium LLP, and what it means for you.

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Planning deliverable developments: viability assessment under NPPF 2018

As the transitional arrangements under the previous National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) come to an end on 24 January 2019, Will Thomas re-visits how viability assessment has changed under NPPF 2018 and what this means for local planning authorities, developers and others.

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Ofsted v Durand – outcome of the appeal

Katie Michelon examines the latest Court of Appeal decision and identifies the key points for you to take away from this important case law development.

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Peter Ware


+44 (0)115 976 6242

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