IR35 changes delayed to 2021
The much heralded, and controversial, changes to IR35 have fallen victim to Covid-19.
The much heralded, and controversial, changes to IR35 have fallen victim to Covid-19. The changes, which shifted the risk and administrative burden of employment status from limited company contractors to end users, have been delayed until April 2021. The Government announced the chances in Parliament late yesterday, 17 March 2020, in an attempt to help relieve pressure on limited company contractors and end user alike. However, this is very much a postponement rather than a cancellation. It was made clear that the changes are still coming, albeit like a great many things at the moment, there will be a delay whilst the country rightly focuses on tackling Covid-19 and protecting people’s health and the economy.
Mark Hickson
Head of Business Development
+44 (0)370 270 6000