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EdCon2023 launch: Thursday 12 January

#EdCon2023 is a free online conference for schools and academy trust staff live Thursday 12 - 26 January 2023.

11 January 2023

#EdCon2023 is a free online conference for schools and academy trust staff live Thursday 12 - 26 January 2023. 

With over 1,200 delegates already registered, EdCon2023 is shaping-up to be our biggest and best yet. Explore this virtual events space to hear from education law experts, providing you with inspirational ideas, top tips, advice and resources to navigate many of the challenges currently facing the sector. 

With six live sessions and plenty of on-demand content and free resources to download, #EdCon2023 is designed to fit your busy schedule and work around your work and personal commitments. 

The event features our team of education specialists renowned for their practical, straight-talking advice. They'll be exploring many of the key challenges facing the sector to help you plan for the year ahead. Topics include: 

  • Online searches for safer recruitment
  • Handling parental complaints
  • Trade unions and industrial relations
  • Holiday pay for term time workers
  • School exclusions and much, much more.

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Dai Durbridge


+44 (0)330 045 2105

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Can we help you? Contact Dai

Emma Hughes


+44 (0)330 045 2338

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