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Browne Jacobson wins Inclusion & Diversity Award at the National Insurance Awards 2022

Insurance law firm Browne Jacobson has won the Inclusion & Diversity Award at the National Insurance Awards 2022. The National Insurance Awards are judged by an independent panel of experts and celebrate excellence in the sector by highlighting the very best in general insurance provision and management.

10 March 2022

Insurance law firm Browne Jacobson has won the Inclusion & Diversity Award at the National Insurance Awards 2022.

The National Insurance Awards are judged by an independent panel of experts and celebrate excellence in the sector by highlighting the very best in general insurance provision and management.

Browne Jacobson has established a national reputation for its commitment to promoting greater diversity and inclusion in the legal profession in recent years and in 2021 was named the UK's leading employer in the Social Mobility Employer Index.

Some of the key measures introduced have included:

  • Launching FAIRE (Fairer Access into Real Experience) - a unique programme where 50% of internships are ring-fenced exclusively for candidates from lower socio-economic backgrounds, guaranteeing a minimum 40 paid placements. 
  • Auditing the recruitment process to identify where applicants from low socio-economic backgrounds fall down and implementing impactful changes and support programmes to create a fairer playing field.
  • Employing a dedicated equity, diversity and inclusion specialist associate into the insurance practice.

Jonathan Newbold, Head of Browne Jacobson’s Financial Services & Insurance Group, said:

“This award is a recognition of the incredible work everyone at Browne Jacobson has undertaken in actively changing the narrative and creating solutions to attract a diverse pool of talented candidates to the insurance legal space.

“The strength of the shortlist this year highlights some of the fantastic initiatives that are helping to make the UK insurance industry more diverse and inclusive. By placing the spotlight on initiatives such as FAIRE we hope to inspire others to do more in making their organisations and the sector more diverse and inclusive.”

Browne Jacobson are trusted legal advisers to the insurance sector, specialising in resolving casualty and specialty claims, corporate transactions and regulation.



Henrietta Scott

Head of Marketing

+44 (0)330 045 2299

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