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At Browne Jacobson, societal and environmental impacts are at the top of the business agenda. We work to build a law firm that reflects the society we serve, and we aim higher for the people, communities and businesses we serve.

The purpose of our supplier code of conduct is to clarify our expectations and to ensure that our suppliers operate ethically, are environmentally responsible and that workers are treated with respect and dignity.

1. Compliance with laws and regulations

You must comply with all applicable laws, regulations and codes of practice, both in letter and in spirit, in the UK and any other countries in which you operate.

2. Workforce issues

  • Slavery and human trafficking.
  • You must comply at all times with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 where applicable. This includes, but is not limited to, not supporting or engaging or requiring any forced labour, bonded labour, indentured labour prison labour or any form of human trafficking.
  • You should report to us any incidents of slavery or human trafficking found in your business or supply chain.

  • Human rights.

You must:

  1. respect, and not interfere with, the right of workers to decide whether to lawfully associate with groups of their choice, including the right to form or join trade unions and to engage in collective bargaining.
  2. under no circumstances abuse, harass or intimidate employees and always have appropriate procedures in place to prevent the occurrence of any such abuse, harassment or intimidation;
  3. support the elimination of child labour by ensuring child labour is not used in your operations or supply chain and employ only workers who meet or exceed the applicable minimum legal working age in the relevant country.
  4. ensure that all work is conducted voluntarily and without threat of any penalty or sanctions.
  • Implement working hours, wages, and benefits which provide a fair living wage for reasonable hours. We are an Accredited Living Wage employer; our suppliers must confirm that they are either an Accredited Living Wage employer or paying a Living Wage;
  • You must ensure working hours comply with national laws and standards and should not expect workers to work (including overtime) in excess of hours set out in relevant working time legislation or other national legal limits unless an opt out has been chosen by the employee with appropriate supporting written evidence.

3. Working environment

We expect our suppliers to provide a safe, healthy, and sanitary working environment and comply with all applicable health and safety laws and regulations, both in letter and in spirit. You should implement procedures and safeguards to prevent or minimise workplace hazards, including providing all employees with adequate information, instruction, training and appropriate personal protective equipment.

4. Equality, diversity and inclusion 

We believe inclusive procurement creates long-term value for our clients and our communities. We’re an inclusive organisation, committed to social mobility, diversity and inclusion so it’s important that our supply chain reflects this. All employees must be treated fairly and not discriminated against in hiring compensation, training, advancement or promotion, termination, retirement or any employment practice on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, colour, nationality, national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

We believe our suppliers should work with diverse businesses and we encourage and promote our suppliers to review the extent of equality, diversity and inclusion within their own supply chain and sourcing decisions. We look to our suppliers to pursue an active agenda to promote equality, diversity and inclusion within their own businesses, and we will seek evidence of an authentic commitment in this area. We particularly encourage our suppliers to sign up to the Disability Confident Scheme.

5. Data protection and information security

Our suppliers should not use or disclose any information belonging to us, our existing and prospective customers, other suppliers, employees or other third parties, except as required or authorised by us. You must not publicise your relationship with Browne Jacobson LLP without our consent.

You should have appropriate measures in place to protect the integrity and confidentiality of any information belonging to or supplied by us which is held on your systems and/or premises.

6. Integrity and ethical behaviour

We do the right thing, by our people, our clients and our suppliers. We have the highest standards of ethical behaviour, and we expect you to have the same. Your policies and culture should ensure:

  • Compliance with anti-corruption and anti-bribery legislation including, but not limited to the Bribery Act 2010 and anti-money laundering regulations.
  • That your business is conducted in full compliance with antitrust and fair competition laws governing all jurisdictions in which you conduct business.

You must make us aware of any actual or potential conflicts of interest.

7. Supply chain management

We expect our suppliers to deal fairly with their supply chain, including paying suppliers promptly and preventing the flow of unreasonable levels of risk to subcontractors.

We also encourage our suppliers to implement strategies to ensure diversity and inclusion within their supply chains and engagement with micro, small and medium sized enterprises.

8. Protecting the environment

You must comply with all applicable environmental regulatory requirements. We expect our suppliers to understand and measure their direct and indirect impact on the environment and to employ reasonable strategies across their operation and supply chain to reduce such impacts, focussing on a net zero carbon future.

9. Compliance with this code

You must have processes in place to maintain the standards and comply with this code of conduct at all times and be able to provide evidence to demonstrate compliance at our request.

If you become aware of any actual or suspected breach of this code of conduct, you should report this to us as soon as possible. Where possible, we will work with you to help you remedy such breach, but we reserve the right to terminate our involvement with you if the breach is sufficiently serious and/or remains unremedied within a reasonable period of time.

Key contact

Jo Scott

Jo Scott

Head of Procurement

+44 (0)370 270 6000

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