Raymond Silverstein
+44 (0)207 337 1021
Raymond heads our employment team in the London office which includes immigration advice. Recognised by the Legal 500, Raymond advises a stellar list of private and public sector clients, including brands within the world’s largest luxury goods group, international fashion brands (in particular ones based in France with UK operations), insurers, financial services, professional services employers, membership organisations, arm’s length, non-departmental, and other public sector bodies.
He previously worked in house for a major UK group of companies comprising an international business focused mainly on food products and services. Raymond has therefore experienced life as a solicitor and as a client which has provided him with invaluable insight into understanding what clients require from their solicitor.
Raymond is joint head of the Employment Practices Group in Pangea Net, an international network of law firms Browne Jacobson co-founded.
He advises, mostly employers, on every aspect of employment law, including complex disciplinaries, grievances and claims, reorganisations, relocations, and senior executive exits.
Raymond leads on modern slavery issues, in particular by advising on modern slavery statements.
He frequently publishes articles on employment law and modern slavery subjects in professional and other publications.
Featured experience
Disability discrimination
Advised a client on a claim that concerned access to training. The claim was dismissed at a preliminary stage.
Financial services
Advised a former London-based JP Morgan managing director in relation to major cross-border investigations concerning a multibillion-dollar trading loss for the bank. The team secured an almost unheard of and timely success with the FCA, a rare non-prosecution agreement with the US Justice Department and agreements with the SEC and CFTC.
Sex and race discrimination
Advised a charity on allegations brought by a member of the senior executive team which, if upheld at a public hearing, could have had serious reputational risks for the client. Client decided to contest the claim and was wholly successful.
The government’s levelling up policy
Supporting the client through a collective and individual consultation process.
"Over the last three years, the Raymond Silverstein’s employment law team have worked with us and advised on a wide range of issues from helping to develop compliant policies to advising on employment tribunal cases. Raymond and his team are seen very much as an extension of our HR team at MaPS and their counsel is valued. "
"I have worked with Raymond Silverstein and his team on ER development and advice for over 15 years. The support given is efficient, adapted to our culture, in line with business strategy and supports a positive resolution."
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