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Unpacking the Academies Regulatory and Commissioning Review

27 April 2023
Mark Blois

This webinar took place on 27 April 2023 and is now available on-demand. 

The Department for Education published the outcome of its regulatory and commissioning review in late March. The publication explains that the review has “focused on the near term changes we can make to: improve our regulatory structure so it is more proportionate and effective; make better and more transparent commissioning decisions; and enhance the way the department supports trust improvement and growth to facilitate a self-improving system”.

As the review implicitly acknowledges that a general election is not far away and expressly commits to near term changes, School and Trust leaders will want to understand the potential impact in the short term.

The webinar will help you get under the surface of the proposed changes and help you understand how they’ll affect you and your learning community. The webinar will consider:

  • the proposal to make regulatory oversight simpler
  • the changes to commissioning decisions by Regional Directors and the change of language from “strong trust” to “trust quality”
  • proposals relating to supporting a self-improving system (language we have not heard from the DfE for a while).

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Mark Blois


+44 (0)115 976 6087

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