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Public matters - June 2020

This month focuses on the impact of Covid-19 on environmental law, housing disrepair and English devolution and a highways Court of Appeal decision.

17 June 2020

Welcome to our Public Matters Newsletter.

This month we have:

A mandate to go green?

Despite the Covid 19 headlines, one consistent opinion being voiced by government, public bodies, NGOs, members of the public and the private sector is that the rebuilding after the Covid-19 pandemic needs to be green and sustainable.

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PPN 04/20 – recovery and transition from Covid 19

PPN 04/20 has been issued in recognition of the likelihood that the pandemic will cause continued disruption for the foreseeable future, so what does this mean for contracting authorities?

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Taking a pragmatic and common sense approach to Housing Disrepair during COVID-19

This note focuses on the disrepair element of the guidance with particular reference to points for consideration by local authorities and Arms Length Managing Organisations when resuming routine maintenance works.

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Could the coronavirus crisis reinvigorate English devolution?

Some have suggested that now is the time for greater devolution to enable the loca governments to manage the current crisis, rebuild local economies and build capacity in order to deal with future crises.

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Deborah Barlow v Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council [2020] EWCA Civ 696 – a double-edged sword for highway authorities?

The Court of Appeal has again found for the claimant albeit for different reasons.

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Peter Ware


+44 (0)115 976 6242

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