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Susan Mabbott


+44 (0) 7801398516

Sue worked with Browne Jacobson for 39 years. She was a partner and department head when she transitioned to a role as consultant/coach in April 2020. Sue’s varied and extensive experience covers the first 15 years of her career acting for individuals in family and mental health law issues, and then close to 25 years defending health, public sector and insurance organisations where she was contract relationship partner for a number of clients. 

Developing trusting relationships with her clients and delivering the highest quality client service were always paramount. For this, Sue believes that people – the lawyers and support team members – are absolutely key. Engaging them, supporting and developing the people who deliver to the firm’s clients is vital. Sue was the sponsoring partner for the firm’s apprenticeship scheme, with Browne Jacobson being the first law firm to engage legal apprentices. 

Sue qualified as a business coach and mentor with the ILM. Sue has delivered workshops and coaching sessions within the business and its clients, as well as numerous 1:1 coaching sessions on topics including strengths, resilience, engagement, career development and objective setting. Sue now also runs her own coaching practice. 

Sue is also a qualified ‘peer coach’ for the eating disorder charity BEAT, and she sits on a national programme delivery board in the health sector. 

Sue is part of our Executive Coaching team. Click here to find out more. 

