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Public matters - December 2020

This month includes updates on procurement, local government reorganisation, R v Secretary of State for Health And Social Care, government contracting, state aid, insolvency and school attendance.

17 December 2020

Welcome to our Public Matters Newsletter.

This month we have:

Public procurement law reform: highlights of the Government’s proposals

Peter provides you with the key highlights, which indicate a significant move away from some aspects of the current regime with the Government proposals seeking to introduce greater flexibility for contracting authorities.

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What next for local government reorganisation?

Anja looks at whether it was right to delay the White Paper, and if Covid has just delayed the inevitable?

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Contracting with government - the 'playbook' and direction of travel

Alex summarise the key principles, and will be of interest to public bodies contracting with external partners to deliver services or organisations which supply government.

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Court of Appeal confirms correct tests to apply to determine whether: (1) a public body has consulted fairly; and (2) is under a legitimate expectation to consult

Matthew looks at whether the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care acted unlawfully when introducing certain changes to the Regulations providing for overseas visitors to be charged for NHS treatment?

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State aid - De Minimis Regulation - Article 3 and 6

Whilst the case of Istituto nazionale per l’assicurazione contro gli infortuni sul lavoro (INAIL) v Zennaro Giuseppe Legnami Sas di Zennaro Mauro & C is a welcome decision providing clarification, Angelica explains that the long-term applicability of EU state aid rules are in doubt.

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Procurement Policy Note 10/20: key changes and considerations for contracting authorities post the UK-EU transition period

Sam looks at the current and potential impact for contracting authorities.

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Engaging as a creditor in insolvency processes

Emma explains how a creditor who has a genuine interest in the outcome of a case would be wise to find the time to register on the insolvency practitioners online portal.

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Covid’s costly impact on school attendance

Despite attendance numbers suffering during the pandemic, Laura explains the important of getting a full picture of attendance.

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Kassra Powles


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