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be connected newsletter for education - December 2021

10 December 2021

In this edition we provide you with the latest in legal updates, news and insight from the sector.

be connected is your space – it is important that the mix of content offers you real value and relevant, useful information. Please help us to help you by providing feedback and comments. What would you like to see featured in the newsletter – and would you like to be part of a future edition – click here to let us know!

Legal updates

Draft Sustainability and Climate Change strategy for education released

One of the themes of last month’s COP26 was Youth and Public Empowerment. It was therefore fitting that the Secretary of State for Education released their draft Sustainability and Climate Change strategy for education and children’s services systems.

The draft strategy will apparently be built upon over the next six months in collaboration with young people, educators, sustainability experts and environmentalists, with the final version of the strategy being published in April 2022.

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School Uniform – a high street takeover?

Earlier this year a new law providing guidance about the costs of school uniforms was approved and the DfE has issued supporting advice. When developing and implementing their uniform policy schools must now ensure that costs of school uniforms are affordable and that those buying them get best value for money.

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Moving on from COVID – Legal consideration in a Post-Pandemic World

Whilst the world continues to emerge from the COVID pandemic, there are several considerations for schools to keep in mind as we go forward. In this article, our legal and HR experts cover some of the key areas you should be aware of and discuss how senior leaders, governors and trustees can best meet the needs of their communities.

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Looking ahead to exam challenges in summer 2022

Schools and colleges across the country are preparing students for sitting formal exams in summer 2022 in line with Department for Education and Ofqual guidance published early in the autumn term. Broadly, the plan is for exams to take place as usual, with variances to curriculum content and the provision of advance information or exam support material, depending on the subject being examined.

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Asbestos – Still the UK’s number one occupational killer

An ongoing enquiry into asbestos has revealed that this problem still looms large in the UK, with asbestos continuing to be the UK’s number one occupational killer, causing more than 5,500 deaths in 2018. With an estimated 80% of schools containing the fibre-like material, teachers are three to five times more likely to develop mesothelioma than the general UK population.

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Responding to the impact of TikTok on your school community

Many schools seem to be suffering from attacks made by students on their teachers and schools through the medium of TikTok. This is causing considerable distress and anger for teachers and leaders who feel bombarded by these faceless criticisms, which are flung out without apparently any accountability on behalf of the individuals posting them or the organisation that provides the platform for their distribution.

In this article, Partner Julia Green outlines what can be done to respond to such attacks, including possible legal recourse.

Recovering School Fees? Don’t forget about the Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims

The Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims (PAPDC) came into force on 1 October 2017. The PAPDC applies to schools seeking payment of a debt from an individual debtor and will therefore apply to the collection of all school fee debts.

In this article, Associate Mia Plume provides a reminder of the PAPDC and explains how it applies to schools.

MAT mergers - a guide for academy trust leaders and trustees

Last month a joint guidance paper written by the National Governance Association and our legal experts was released. The guidance provides academy trust leaders and trustees who might be considering or already involved in merger discussions with an essential resource by way of an overview of mergers, how to approach a merger and the processes involved.

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New Year, New Focus: Development Opportunities for the year ahead

Space + Time Executive Coaching for Education

Coaching is a powerful method of ensuring that people achieve to their full potential. All too often, coaching is only proposed when there is a specific issue to be addressed and an individual wants (or has been advised to get) support. Coaching can be so much more than this.

DPO Intermediate CPD

  • 10-month online programme
  • Commences Spring 2022
  • £895 + VAT

DPO Advanced CPD

  • 5-month online programme
  • Commences Spring 2022
  • £750 + VAT

Single School or Academy DSL CPD

  • 5-month (20 hours) online programme
  • Commences w/c 24 January 2022
  • £675 + VAT

Multi-Academy Trust DSL programme

  • 5-month (21 hours) online programme
  • Commences w/c 24 January 2022
  • £750 + VAT

HR Pathway One – for newly appointed or aspiring head teachers, school leaders and managers

  • 5-month online programme
  • Commences 16 March 2022
  • £650 + VAT

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EduCompli – the compliance training app from Browne Jacobson

Developed by our expert education lawyers, EduCompli is a fun and engaging way to evidence compliance. Intuitive and simple to use, the four courses can be played anytime, anywhere on any device:

  1. Child Protection
  2. Data Protection in Schools
  3. Staff Code of Conduct
  4. Health and Safety in Schools

Find out more and book a demo



Mark Blois


+44 (0)115 976 6087

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