Policies, procedures, privacy notices and more all designed to help support your data protection compliance.
Reflecting the latest legal updates and addressing the increased complexity and risk in schools, this comprehensive pack of 70+ resources is designed by our expert education data lawyers to empower you to manage your data protection responsibilities with efficiency and ease.
Request your pack now
What’s inside?
Our model documents, flowcharts, advice notes and FAQs cover all core data protection topics, including, policies and procedures, SAR and FOI request guidance, breach and cyber incident guidance, templates and checklists. With more than 70 documents, the pack gives you everything you need, including:
Data protection policy |
Subject access request procedure |
Template DPIA |
Records management & Retention policy |
Template response letters for FOI and SAR requests |
Example completed DPIAs for several high-risk processes |
Data breach procedure |
Guidance on effective searches |
Vendor due diligence questionnaire |
Consent form |
Guidance on redaction decisions |
Template data processing and data sharing agreements |
‘Cease and Desist’ letter |
Exemption ‘ready reckoner’ |
Guidance on facial recognition systems |
Guidance on the difference between SAR and ‘Educational Record’ requests |
Guidance on dealing with requests for CCTV footage |
Privacy notices |
The comprehensive pack costs just £795 plus VAT, per school or trust.
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We’re happy to chat through your requirements.
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Dai Durbridge