Sarah Ashley
HR Consultant
+44 (0)121 237 4586
Sarah is an HR consultant in our Birmingham office within the HR services team. Sarah has over 13 years’ experience advising schools and academies and is a Chartered member of the CIPD. Sarah has significant experience of supporting senior leaders with a wide range of employee relations issues.
Having previously worked at a local authority HR team for schools, her main areas of expertise lie in managing complex casework and advising on the national terms and conditions for teachers and support staff, and how this applies to academies. Sarah supports a wide range of education clients, including maintained schools, academies and multi-academy trusts and has a good understanding of the key issues that affect them. She has led schools through change management including redundancy, restructures and TUPE and has considerable experience in policy formulation and implementation.
Sarah has delivered a large number of training sessions for clients and spoken at external seminars and conferences on a wide variety of HR issues.