Lucy Gregory
Senior Associate
+44 (0)330 045 2661
Lucy is an associate in our government and infrastructure team with experience advising local authority, private sector and third sector clients on a wide range of projects including major procurements, high value outsourcing and waste projects, joint ventures and development projects.
Lucy’s work focuses on complex regeneration and mixed-use development schemes, including those delivered via development agreements and projects which involve establishing a corporate joint venture. Recent projects have included advising clients throughout the competitive dialogue procurement for a development partner (including advising on procurement strategy as well as the drafting and negotiation of all procurement and legal agreements).
Featured experience
Winchester City Council
Advising the Council in relation to the regeneration of Central Winchester, the competitive dialogue procurement of a development partner for a complex mixed-use scheme.
Kent County Council
Working with the Council on the outsourcing/re-procurement of its facilities management requirements for the entire property estate. This procurement has been via competitive procedure with negotiation (hard FM services) as well as utilising a number of existing provider frameworks (soft FM services).
Watford Borough Council
Supporting the Council on the Town Hall Quarter mixed-use regeneration project and the competitive dialogue procurement of a developer partner.
Oasis Community Learning
Supporting Oasis Community Learning, a multi-academy trust, and the London Borough of Lambeth on a major development scheme, the Johanna School development near Waterloo station.