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Anya Yaseen



+44 (0)330 045 2396


Anya is an Associate based in Browne Jacobson's Birmingham office. She specialises in mental capacity and health and social care litigation and advisory work. Anya represents NHS Trusts, local authorities and Integrated Care Boards across a national basis.

Anya's case load involves contested best interests matters in the Court of Protection including s16 and s21A applications, safeguarding issues and deprivations of liberty concerning children and young adults. Anya also deals with inherent jurisdiction and medical treatment matters. Anya's case load engages elements relating to Human Rights claims, information governance and mental health law.

Anya has experience of representing individuals and the protected party in best interests and social care disputes, including Judicial Reviews. This experience has allowed Anya, in her current role, to anticipate the court directions other parties are likely to seek in proceedings and at the outset, advise her clients accordingly.

Anya has experience of inquests, having undergone a secondment at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, one of the busiest acute Trusts in the UK.

Anya is keen to ensure she adopts an organised, responsive and pragmatic approach in resolving disputes in the best interests of her clients.

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