Amba Griffin-Booth
Senior Associate
+44 (0)330 045 2489
Amba is a senior associate in our commercial disputes team specialising in contentious matters. She assists and leads on a broad range of complex disputes for companies in the energy, retail, technology and insurance sectors as well as advising local authorities, education institutions and NHS Trusts. Amba was nominated as a ‘Rising Star’ in 2022 in Legal 500 directory.
Amba joined the team upon qualification, having trained at a corporate and commercial firm and, prior to that, working for a magic circle firm. From day one, Amba has been a key contributor and collaborator in the education sector. Throughout the pandemic, she has been at the forefront of advising numerous education clients in relation to their disputes with suppliers and has played a pivotal role in settling disputes and negotiating the best possible financial position for schools.
Amba consistently receives excellent feedback from clients, intermediaries and co-workers. She has an ability to cut right through the most complex issues and focus on the most commercially driven outcome. She has recently been described as an ‘exciting young talent’.
Amba is also a mentor for Nottingham Trent University's ‘Access to Law’ programme and an O Shaped Champion – a drive to realise the potential of all lawyers, to create a more engaged, inclusive and healthy profession.
Featured experience
A Large Multi Academy Trust
Defending a large MAT in relation to a breach of contract claim in the sum of c£300k brought by a teacher who was previously employed by the local authority prior to the transfer to the Trust and advising in relation to the extent of the indemnities contained within a Commercial Transfer Agreement.
Camelot Group
Defending the operator of The National Lottery in respect of a £1m claim brought by a Instant Win Game player.
Global sprayable adhesives manufacturer
Advising and representing a well-known manufacturer and distributor of sprayable adhesives in a £3 million cross border and multi-party claim arising from the widespread delamination of joinery adhesive.
National Leading Signage Company
Defending a well-known signage company in respect of various breaches of an Non Disclosure Agreement with losses amounting to £2m.
"Friendly, professional and reliable."
“Thoroughly efficient and professional”
"Above and beyond."
"Amba was always available to offer fantastic advice and support - Knowledgeable, professional, approachable."
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