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The Department for Education’s review of the relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) statutory guidance

17 May 2024

Commenting on the Department for Education’s review of the relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) statutory guidance, Philip Wood, Senior Associate in the education team at Browne Jacobson, said: “The DfE’s release of draft new sex and relationships guidance suggests there will be a firmer steer for schools on the ages at which certain topics can be taught. Given the consultation will run for nine weeks, the finalised guidance will not be in place until the Autumn term when schools will have already put in place plans for the curriculum for the year.

“The draft guidance states gender identity is a highly contested area and schools should refrain from teaching pupils about this. Whilst this is clearly a sensitive topic, schools will be mindful of the practical issues of gender questioning pupils and transitioning staff, and how they should handle this sensitively.

“The draft guidance refers to the forthcoming gender questioning guidance on advice to teachers on how to handle this, but that guidance has not been released and, potentially problematically, there is no date as to when it is expected.”

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