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Browne Jacobson’s real estate team kicks off 2022 with completion of high-profile acquisition for Mansfield District Council

Browne Jacobson’s real estate team has advised Mansfield District Council on its purchase of the Beales department store, situated in Mansfield town centre for an undisclosed sum.

14 January 2022

Browne Jacobson’s real estate team has advised Mansfield District Council on its purchase of the Beales department store, situated in Mansfield town centre for an undisclosed sum.

The council has exciting plans for the site, bringing forward Mansfield Connect, a multi-agency civic hub which will see the council re-locate its headquarters to the new premises, alongside a range of public, educational, enterprise and health and wellbeing partners, as well as private food and drink retailers. 

The council is developing a proposal seeking resources from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund (LUF) with the scheme forming part of its wider ambitious plans for Mansfield town centre.

Executive Mayor of Mansfield, Andy Abrahams said: “We believe repurposing this redundant retail space in Mansfield town centre fulfils all the ambitions of the Government’s Levelling Up Fund and by purchasing the building now, we believe this will strengthen the council’s bid.

“Consolidating public services in one town centre space makes so much sense, for both the delivery of those services to our community, and for the wider economic benefits for the town centre. We are doing everything within our power to satisfy the requirements of the LUF bid criteria so we can move forward at pace when we are, hopefully, successful.”

Kassra Powles, senior associate and Grace Costello, associate in Browne Jacobson’s real estate practice in Nottingham led on the deal with support from colleagues within the firm’s tax and planning teams.

Kassra Powles added: “We are delighted to have this major regional project under our belt for 2022 and are pleased to have worked with the council on planning for this strategic move to this fantastic location.

“This exciting project not only allows them to breathe new life into the town centre but will support Mansfield District Council in its bid to secure funding from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund which will have a hugely positive impact on the future of the town. Browne Jacobson is pleased to have been able to support the council in delivering future economic growth for Mansfield.”



Henrietta Scott

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