Browne Jacobson’s health and social care lawyers are pleased to invite you to our virtual mental health and capacity event on Tuesday 4 March 2025, focused on deprivation of liberty.
In light of topical case law in this area, we will revisit the definition of “deprivation of liberty” and what it means in practice, consider recent judgments and discuss authorisation methods for both adults and children.
Our mental health and mental capacity specialists Clare Shepherd (Senior Associate) and Lynette Wallace (Associate) will lead the webinar. They will delve into recently reported High Court and Court of Protection cases and clarify authorisation methods for deprivation of liberty. They will also provide insights and practical advice based on other cases. As well as a Q&A segment at the end, discussion and interaction is welcome throughout.
We hope you can join us and look forward to seeing you there.
Our speakers

Clare Shepherd
Senior Associate

Lynette Wallace
Key contact

Katie Viggers
Professional Development Lawyer
+44 (0)330 045 2157
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